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DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Dichtring ESAM04 ESAM02

DeLonghi Appliances S.r.l., Via L. Seitz 47, 31100 Treviso, Italy, eMail:
Product no.: 5313224911
GTIN/EAN: 4251309226424
Weight: 0.0100 Kg
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Dichtring ESAM04 ESAM02
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Dichtring ESAM04 ESAM02
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Dichtring ESAM04 ESAM02
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Dichtring ESAM04 ESAM02
2,90 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Scaled prices
from 1 pcs.
per 2,90 EUR
from 2 pcs.
per 1,99 EUR
Warenkorb Weiterleitung
  • Products description
Products description
DeLonghi coffee mashines / coffee mashines seal / gasketseal /gasket ring, O-Ring, rubberseal / gasket
Dimensions ca.: d.: a.: 9mm /  i..6mm
for models:
ESAM03.120.S EX:1
ESAM03.120.S EX1
ECAM 21.110.B
ECAM22.110.SB 220V.
ECAM22.110.SB 127V.
ESAM 04.320.S
colour: red, red, rouge
De-Longhi espresso coffee mashine, coffee vollautomat, cappuccinatore, gasket, o-ring, rubber, seal, coffee maker
Guarnizione Cappuccinatore dil
This Product was added to our catalogue on 14/06/2016.
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