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DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Abdeckung ECAM23420sw

DeLonghi Appliances S.r.l., Via L. Seitz 47, 31100 Treviso, Italy, eMail:
Product no.: 5313215181
GTIN/EAN: 4251309256353
Weight: 0.0400 Kg
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Abdeckung ECAM23420sw
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Abdeckung ECAM23420sw
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Abdeckung ECAM23420sw
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Abdeckung ECAM23420sw
  • Products description
Products description
De Longhi coffee mashine / coffee mashines marc, for Satzschublade  
for models:
ECAM23.210.B  DeLonghi ECAM23210B
ECAM23.210.W  DeLonghi ECAM23210W
ECAM23.210.B  DeLonghi ECAM23210B
ECAM23.210.W  DeLonghi ECAM23210W
ECAM23.420.SB  DeLonghi ECAM23420SB
ECAM23.420.SR  DeLonghi ECAM23420SR
ECAM23.420.SW  DeLonghi ECAM23420SW
ECAM23.420.SB  DeLonghi ECAM23420SB
ECAM23.420.SR  DeLonghi ECAM23420SR
ECAM23.420.SW  DeLonghi ECAM23420SW
ECAM25.120.SB (ECAM25120SB)
colour: silver
De-Longhi espresso coffee mashine, coffee vollautomat, coffee maker front piece silver
This Product was added to our catalogue on 19/07/2013.
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4,99 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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6,90 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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3,90 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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