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DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21

DeLonghi Appliances S.r.l., Via L. Seitz 47, 31100 Treviso, Italy, eMail:
Product no.: 5313213331
GTIN/EAN: 4251309205153
Weight: 0.1600 Kg
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21
DeLonghi Kaffeeautomaten Tankfront ECAM13 ECAM21
Shipping time: 1-5 Days
4,95 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Scaled prices
from 1 pcs.
per 4,95 EUR
from 2 pcs.
per 3,90 EUR
Warenkorb Weiterleitung
  • Products description
Products description
De Longhi coffee mashines / coffee mashines water container Front
for models:
ECAM13.123.W (ECAM13123W)
ECAM21.118.W (ECAM21118W) Magnifica S
De-Longhi coffee maker h20 water tank front white, frontale serbatioio acqua
This Product was added to our catalogue on 29/01/2021.
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