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De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117

DeLonghi Appliances S.r.l., Via L. Seitz 47, 31100 Treviso, Italy, eMail:
Product no.: 5913212611
GTIN/EAN: 4251309217163
Weight: 0.0500 Kg
De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117
De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117
De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117
De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117
De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117
De Longhi Vollautomat Regler ECAM25457B ECAM21.117
  • Products description
Products description
DeLonghi coffee mashines / coffee mashines Mahlgradeinstellung, button aus plastic
for models ECAM:
ECAM 25.457.B
ECAM25.452.S (ECAM 25.452.S, ECAM 25452S, INT,RU, SKA, EST)
ECAM25.457.B ( DE, ECAM 25.457.B, ECAM25457B)
ECAM22.110.B (ECAM 22.110.B)
ECAM21.117.B (ECAM21117B)
colour: black, black, negro, noir
De-Longhi espresso coffee mashine, knob, manop regolaz, ECAM22 (ECAM 22)
full mashines
This Product was added to our catalogue on 21/06/2013.
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